Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2, 2008

After spending 3 weeks in Miami with a friend who has a new baby, we returned home the week before Thanksgiving.  The kids all caught "the crud" that's going around...the cough, congestion, sinus issues, croupy sounding breathing and cough, you know, "the crud".  Kids are all better now, and of course, mom gets it next!  I've spent today doing as little as possible, trying to rest and kick this bug.  I've also been taking zinc and echinacea, as well as my good multivitamin.

In other news, we have heard from the Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome clinic physicians in Cincinnati, and we will be heading up there in January.  I have spoken on the phone with the nurse coordinator there, and she was very encouraging that we will be seeing whatever specialists it will take to get to the bottom of Sara's issues...and, ideally, come up with a treatment plan!

I have plans to take Kenzie to see the Nutcracker ballet sometime this month.  She is enthralled watching ballet, and I remember watching the Nutcracker as a child, and I loved it.  I hope this will be a fun mother/daughter event for us!


MotherTara said...

I hope you and Kenzie have a great time at the ballet. Tell us how it goes.

Michelle Gibson said...

Rae, you have been quiet! Well, you have also been tagged! "You're it," if you would like to play!


Looking forward to hearing your answers!