Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Welcome to our life!

I am a mom of 4 beautiful girls.  We are a homeschooling, Torah-observant, natural living, Christian household that does our best to seek God first in all things, even when it's hard.  We believe God is in the little decisions as well as the big decisions, and many times in our life we have been led, by God, against the cultural norm.  As always when following God, this has worked out wonderfully as a testimony to Him, drawing others to Him, but not without creating difficulty in our own lives.  Nowhere in the Bible, however, does He say this life will be easy and carefree!

Our 4 daughters are headed up by Kenzie, currently age 6, who is a feisty, strong-willed, brilliant, sensitive little girl.  She is currently taking gymnastics, but she has asked to take ballet next year, and we have agreed to that.  She was born by cesarean after she developed a heart arrhythmia which, thankfully, has been outgrown.  She also struggles with hypoglycemia, particularly when she refuses to eat.

Katie is a bright, energetic, fiery, gentle 4 year old.  She loves her gymnastics class and she is nearly reading.  She was born at home, peacefully, 4.5 years ago.  Aside from some outgrown dairy sensitivity issues, Katie has been healthy!

Sara is my nearly 3 y/o peanut!  She's a tiny girl, but she has a big heart.  She's loving, friendly, and very intelligent.  She loves her gymnastics class, but she sometimes lacks the endurance to keep at it through the entire 45 minutes. She has some medical issues that will be part of this blog as we go through the diagnostic journey.  She was also born at home in a flash, in our bathtub.  She would have been born at home whether we were planning it or not!  She will be 3 in February.

Kara has a new onesie for the winter that says, "I love to smile and be HAPPY!" and it sure fits her!  She is 16.5months old now, and she is the happiest baby I've seen in a long time.  She is strong as an ox, and that is coming in quite handy as she takes gymnastics alongside the big girls.

I'll share pictures and videos of our lives as we go along.  Here's us, in a nutshell!

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